Reality TV - An Escape from Reality
I Feel Your Salmonella Pain
Barb Best, Health, HumorAlmond butter, butter, HuffPost, HuffPostHealth, Nut butter, recall, salmonella, summer, Trader Joe's, Twitter
"Smiles To Go" Photo Collection
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Funny VideosAATH, Barb Best, Barbara Grapstein, Gold Coast Giggles, Harvey Ball, Smiley, Smiley Face, World Smile Day
Send In the Damn Clowns
7 Great Ideas That Will Change the World?
Barb Best, Cats, Holidays, Humor, Pop Culturebeach, change the world, eBay, Food Network, great ideas, Grumpy Cat, Pedicure, Vegan, wine, YouTube
Summer Notes To Self: 7 To Ponder
Barb Best, Cats, Humor, Pop CultureAcupuncture, Cat, dog, Humor, iPhone, notes to ponder, Pets, summer
I Feel Your Pain - Technical Support
2 Cartoonists You Will Love
Books & Writing, Comedy, Humor, Pop CultureCartoon, Cartoonist, Charles Schultz, Comic strip, Comic Strip Mama, Mark Anderson, New Yorker, Peanuts, Tanya Masse
Are You Kidding Me? Author Stacey Gustafson
Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog by Lisa Scottoline
Mindless Thought For The Day: LIFE IS...
Barb Best, HumorAdvil, bowl of cherries, cherries, life, mindless, Nude Beach, organic, philosophy, Sholem Aleichem, thought for the day, Tofurky
Boob Job: Feel The Pain
Pun for All? Sounds Fishy To Me
Barb Best, Books & Writing, HumorComedy, fish, fun, Humor, play, Pun, Twitter, Wordplay, writing
While You Were NOT Sleeping
Barb Best, Health, Humorcortisol, diet, fat, food, Health, Jerry Lewis, Joan Rivers, Portlandia, sleep, Sleep deprivation, Sleep disorder, weight gain, Weight loss
Vanity Car Plates 4 Word Lovers - Thy Name is Los Angeles
Barb Best, Humor, Pop Culturecars, HuffPost, License Plates, Los Angeles, New York Times Crossword Puzzle, Sasha Bronner, vanity plates, Vehicle registration plate, word puzzles, You're So Vain
It's Summer - My "Chuck It" Bucket List
Barb Best, Holidays, Movies, Pop Culture, TVBucket List, goals, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Real Housewives of New Jersey, Real Housewives of New York City, resolutions, To Do List, Woodstock
Have You Heard of Lupus?
HealthAutoimmune disease, Conditions and Diseases, FL, Health, Lupus, Lupus Foundation, Nick Cannon, Pensacola, Selena Gomez, Wanda Argersinger
Funny Mom Flicks 4 Mother's Day
Barb Best, Holidays, Movies, Pop CultureAmy Poehler, Baby Mama, Freaky Friday, Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, Mean Girls, Meg Wolitzer, Mother, Mothers Day, Nora Ephron, Tina Fey
Barb Best, Health, HumorChocolate, Health, laugh, May, relax, relaxation tips, smile, stress
Humoraholics Anonymous
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Health, Humorbooks, Comedy, Dorothy Parker, Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop, Humor, James Thurber, New Yorker, Ogden Nash, Robert Benchley, Writers, YouTube