7 Great Ideas That Will Change the World?
Everyone wants to change the world.
Great Ideas that will Change the World
(well, maybe just mine or yours )
1. Move to the beach; adopt casual coastal philosophy toward life (and flooring). 2. Convert the boring automatic dishwasher in the (duh) kitchen to a wine cooler. Cheers! 3. Go vegan.* 4. Dye bangs chartreuse. See if loved ones notice. 5. Teach the cat how to twerk. YouTube opportunities abound. Can you say, Grumpy Cat? Ca-Ching, Ca-Ching! 6. Skip cutting toenails for 5 months, then freak out pedicurist with zombie-like nails and raging fungus infection.Upside: Learn Korean for "Holy Kimchee! Your feet are gross." 7. Dive head first into the minimalist movement...end up with 2 chairs, 1 table, favorite books, bed, laptop, 4 wine glasses, and 15 cat toys. Spend all day lost in a funk... window shopping on eBay. ** Vegan with the following notable exemptions I generously grant myself: Birthdays, holidays, seasonal occasions (can you say summer barbecue? Thanksgiving turkey? Holiday parties?), and great ideas garnered from select Food Network TV shows. You never write. You never call. But YOU CAN LIKE my FB FAN PAGE :-) It's free!
I Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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