Summer Notes To Self: 7 To Ponder
Scribbled on an iPhone "Notes" APP near you...
- If a stranger tells you, "I'm crazy. I know I'm crazy!" three times in the course of a ten minute conversation in a doctor's waiting room... take them at their word. Run for the hills.
- Overheard at the veterinarian's office: "Coyotes are cute. I want to hug them all." Good luck with that...
- If you're having a domestic dispute over space aliens or salad dressing... perhaps you and the husband don't get out enough?
- 60 is the new 40. Dead is the new old. Young is the new forever young.
- Sitting is the new smoking. Standing is the new puffing. Reclining is the new inhaling.
- Why don't they make ear plugs for pets? Perfect for shutting out disturbing noises such as fireworks, garbage trucks, doorbells, and band practice. Also blocks "Get off the couch!"
- Isn't voodoo just acupuncture on dolls?
Hope everyone is having a fun, relaxing, exciting summer!
I Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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