Pun for All? Sounds Fishy To Me

 Do you like puns?Do you enjoy punning?Is it true that a pun is the lowest form of wit?Is a pun fun?I love the wordplay involved, and even if the pun is a painfully obvious one... I appreciate the intent and the effort.It's my observation that most boys/men tend to appreciate punning more than most girls/women, or say, your average cocker spaniel.Why is this? Perhaps because the male species is accustomed to playing with... their food?  Their cars? Or whatever? Barb Best Humor BlogAt The Reel Inn restaurant in Malibu, CA they celebrate the pun on their "Special of the Day" menu board out in front.

Fun Signs I have spotted:

"Catfish In The Rye"

"Grouper Therapy"

"Go ahead. Mako my day!"

"Weapons of Bass Destruction"


"Tuna Guitar."

Here's to more restaurants with a sense of play! Bon appetitter.Home cocker spanielJoin me on Twitter where anything - including all kinds of pun - goes! I'm @HaBarb