Face Masks Unused: Fun Things to do With Them!
Barb Best, Cats, Health, Humorcat toy, face masks, fashion accessories, fun, pandemic humor, repurposing, unused masks
Bicycle Day: A Fun Life in the Bike Lane
Funny Videos, Health, Parenting, Pop Culturebicycle, bikes, biking, cycling, exercise, fun, Schwinn, Sting-Ray, world bicycle day
Home Stuck Home? 7 Really FUN Things to Do Really!
Books & Writing, Cats, Comedy, Funny VideosAnimal Adventure Park, Cat, cinnamon bread, comedy Improv, fun, giraffes, home, house arrest, Humor, jest, lockdown, Ovid, Pain, quarantine, Second City, The Pioneer Woman
PLAY: Word Lovers & Car License Vanity Plates
Holidays, Pop Culturecar license, car plates, car trips, Comedians in cars getting coffee, fun, License Plate Bingo, play, special interest license plates, Thanksgiving travel, vanity plates, word lovers, word play
Fun? Are You FUN? A QUIZ
Cats, Health, Holidays, HumorCat, dog, fun, Humor, play, quiz, summer, summer fun, The Beach Boys, vacation
Books & Writing, Health, Humor, Pop Culturecity word game, dementia, friends, fun, Puns, Scrabble, Seniors, Word Games, word play
Summer Beach Bummers
Barb Best, Holidays, Humorbeach, bummers, fun, jellyfish, misery, mojito, sharks, skin cancer, summer, Sunburn
Measure the Pleasure Not the Pain
Barb Best, Health, HumorApple watch, book club, Chocolate, chocolate chip cookies, Fitbit, fitness trackers, fun, Happiness, Humor, measure, pleasure, wine
Pun for All? Sounds Fishy To Me
Barb Best, Books & Writing, HumorComedy, fish, fun, Humor, play, Pun, Twitter, Wordplay, writing
Stupid V Question Answered
Books & Writing, Health, Humorbiography, books, fever, flu, fun, HARO, Health, Humor, Naomi Wolf, Sexuality, stupid question, vagina