PLAY: Word Lovers & Car License Vanity Plates

Play with Your Words

After all, what good is life if you can't amuse yourself, play a game, have some fun?

Long Car Trips

According to the AAA, "49.3 million travelers will hit the road this Thanksgiving, the most since 2005 and 2.8% more than last year."

So Where's the FUN in sitting in the car for hours?

Thanksgiving word lovers license plates         

For Word Lovers, FUN is Reading Car License Vanity Plates

The PLAY is in the PLATES :-)You'll discover the expression of individual spirit, feelings, attitude, identity, creativity, humor, and style.


Vanity Car License Plates        


Car License Vanity Plates       


Car Vanity License Plates       Word Lovers License Plates       


Thanksgiving Car Vanity License plates for Word Lovers          


 Car License Vanity Plates        

Reaching Out

Word Lovers Vanity Car Plates        


Car License Vanity Plates         

Don't forget to play!

License Plate Bingo In Cars Getting Coffee

FROM CA DMV  - Special Interest License Plate Ordering System

"The number "69" is reserved only for 1969 year model vehicles that the license plates will be placed upon."

The Department shall refuse any configuration that may carry connotations offensive to good taste and decency, or which would be misleading, based on criteria which includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  1. The configuration has a sexual connotation or is a term of lust or depravity.
  2. The configuration is a vulgar term; a term of contempt, prejudice, or hostility; an insulting or degrading term; a racially degrading term; or an ethnically degrading term.
  3. The configuration is a swear word or term considered profane, obscene, or repulsive.
  4. The configuration has a negative connotation to a specific group.
  5. The configuration misrepresents a law enforcement entity.
  6. The configuration has been deleted from regular series license plates.
  7. The configuration is a foreign or slang word or term, or is a phonetic spelling or mirror image of a word or term falling into the categories described in subdivisions 1 through 6 above.