Leftover Halloween Candy: Come On, Be Creative!
Leftover Halloween Candy - Holiday Curse or Blessing?
Okay, you bought enough fertilizer-size bags of Halloween candy to feed an army of carpenter ants, but... WHAT?Only five lousy kids came to your door trick or treating...and two of those were your own?
What to do with that processed pile of toxic corn syrup, dextrose, cane sugar mush and chemical dyes?Yes, you could merely dump it off at the office or at church. (Does that make you an enabler?)Hey, maybe be more creative about your bounty?
Think outside the wrapper!
7 Innovative Uses for Leftover Halloween Candy
- Breakfast Tacos. Yum. Skittles with salsa picante - why not?
- Fruit Smoothie - Starburst rainbow sweetness! Feeling sugar guilt? Toss a little kale in there.
- Use Reese's Peanut Butter Cups as bait for trapping those pesky mice in your attic. Hey - it worked for E.T.
- Stocking Stuffers (for the next 5 years) :-)
- Donate to a youth organization that helps teenagers kick their vaping habit. Snickers bars are a welcome substitute.
- Makes a soothing concoction for an aromatherapy facial from M & M's to treat your Halloween chocolate stress acne. Sounds counterintuitive, but think "the hair of the dog."
- Weaponize that sugar power! Gift to your enemies - along with cavities, tooth rot, and Type 2 Diabetes.
- BONUS! Recycle, compost in your organic veggie garden. Take candy wrappers OFF first and dispose of properly. Feel happy that you are doing something good for the Earth - and your waistline.
Enjoy!Reminder - Soon you will have leftover Thanksgiving and Christmas treats to recycle.https://www.barbbest.com/sugar-crash-7-random-reflections/