Hooray for MAY!

April was National Stress Awareness Month... which frankly was rather stressful.Remembering to breathe and all that nonsense.  Geez, what a chore! Ahhhh!


  • Have coffee (for the beans) in the a.m. and red wine (for the antioxidants) in the p.m.
  • Eat quality dark chocolate daily in amounts larger than your cell phone but smaller than your head.
  • When feeling anxious, play with something small and furry... maybe a cat or dog or ? Use your imagination.
  • Smile effortlessly 'til it hurts.
  • Help someone else... unless it involves excessive blood loss or advanced calculus.
  • Help someone else help you. Particularly satisfying! Requires an appreciation for manipulation, or as most successful leaders refer to it - motivation.
  • Laugh for no reason 'til you develop TMJ or until you are shunned by family, friends, and lonely strangers on the street.
  •  Instead of an onerous work-out in the gym, take a nap with a pair of earplugs and a gas mask.
  • Don't drink green tea unless you love green tea. You know it and I know it - sometimes it tastes like expensive hand soap.
  • Have your kids and spouse write a gratitude list. Hopefully you'll be mentioned now and then. This will make you feel good. Then request a massage... if they are truly grateful, they will comply.

 See you on Twitter... I'm @HaBarb "More fun than a trip to the dentist!" Creative Commons LicenseI Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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