Posts tagged Barbara Grapstein
Alert Bracelets for The Rest of Us
Barb Best, Comedy, Health, HumorAATH, Barb Best, Barbara Grapstein, diabetes, difficult people, Health, healthcare humor, medic alert, medic alert bracelets, RxLaughter, Smiles To Go
Smiles To Go!
Barb Best, Books & Writing, HealthAATH, Barb Best, Barbara Grapstein, books, Gold Coast Giggles, Harvey Ball, laughter yoga, picture book, smiles, World Smile Day
"Smiles To Go" Photo Collection
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Funny VideosAATH, Barb Best, Barbara Grapstein, Gold Coast Giggles, Harvey Ball, Smiley, Smiley Face, World Smile Day
I Feel Your Pain
Books & Writing, Cats, Humor, Pop CultureBarb Best, Barbara Grapstein, Board game, boredom, BrainPickings, cats, laughter club, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Peter Toohey, Scrabble, TMZ