I Feel Your Salmonella Pain
This week,I was going to write a scholarly (yet hilarious and insightful) treatise on the societal impact of dual hula hoop and ice bucket challenge addictions...but I was deterred - and perhaps sickened - by the latest salmonella peanut-almond butter scare.EXHIBIT A: My jar of almond butter fingered by the FDA. Selected for it's superior nutritional value. It's so tasty, too! JUST THE FACTS MA'AM: Ingested by me before falling ill.EXHIBITS B, C, D, E, and F: You do not want to see these images. Too gross.What's a summer without a smattering of salmonella with your sunburned cheeks and strained family car trips?Peanut butter and jelly used to be so innocent - now it involves a stomach pump and a hospital stay.Hey, I know...Let's forget about nut butter... and go back to BUTTER BUTTER!
HuffPost - list of peanut and almond butter brands Follow me on TWITTER for latest developments & to share your pain :-)I'm @HaBarbDisclaimer: I don't really have salmonella, nor do you!
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