Are You Old? 12 SIGNS "Death" is Near!
Barb Best, HumorAging Humor, agng humor, Barb Best, Chardonnay, Dawn Weber, Death, Facebook, old, Portlandia, signs you are old
Does Everything Have To Be A Competition?
Barb Best, Funny Videos, Humor, Pop Culture, TVAmerican Idol, bubble wrap, Chopped, competition, Cooking, Dancing With The Stars, exercise, Fit Bit, Food Network, Food Network Star
Dude Bait: Driverless Cars, Drones & 3D Printers
Health, Humor, Pop Culture3D Printers, breasts, cars, driverless cars, drones, dudes, guys, Humor, implants, male readers, technology, toys
Welcome to Humorholics Anonymous
Barb Best, Cats, Comedy, Funny Videos, Health, HumorAATH, addiction, cartoonists, cat videos, coffee, Comedy, Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop, Humor, New Yorker Magazine, rehab, Robert Benchley, sugar, YouTube
25 Reasons I Can't Breathe!
Barb Best, Health, Humor, Pop CultureApple watch, bra, breathe, can't breathe, iPhone, Julie Andrews, Lady Gaga, Madonna, Nutella, Oscar party, superbug, Taylor Swift
7 Gratitude TIPS for the Grumpy
Humor, Movies, Pop Culture, TVCat, cranks, curmudgeons, Google, Gratitude, La Marca Prosecco, Starbucks
Be My FUNNY Valentine, will ya?
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Holidays, HumorAmazon, books, champagne, ebooks, funny valentine, gifts, Godiva, holidays, humor books, Laughter, My Funny Valentine, Prosecco, Valentine
7 Survivor TIPS: I Feel Your Air Travel Pain
Barb Best, Health, Humorair travel, airlines, diet coke, flying, flying coach, Gulf Stream, planes, Rolls Royce, Sky Mall
Smiles To Go! The World Needs A Smile
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Comedy, Health, HumorAATH, books, Charlie Hebdo, Conan O'Brien, Freedom of speech, Jon Stewart, NSNC, picture book, RxLaughter, satire, smiles
7 New Year's RID-solutions to Ponder
Barb Best, Health, Holidays, HumorChocolate, Facebook, French fries, happy new year, new years resolutions, Pinterest, resolutions, tennis, TLC, Twitter, YouTube
Happy New Year: 7 Things I Learned in 2014
Barb Best, Health, Holidays, HumorDentist, hangover, happy new year, holidays, laugh, Laughter, Learned, loss of hair, Post-it notes
Do You Have OGD? Obsessive Google Disorder?
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Cats, Health, Holidays, Humoraddiction, Apple, champagne, Google, Obsessive Googling Disorder, Obsessive–compulsive disorder, Prosecco, Roger Federer, Urban Dictionary
Happy Thanksgiving To All
Barb Best, Holidays, HumorBarb Best, Blog, Giving Thanks, Gratitude, Happy, readers, subscribers, Thanksgiving
Migraine Trigger or Reason to Live? A HEALTH QUIZ!
Barb Best, Health, HumorBeaujolais, caffeine, Chocolate, espresso beans, French fries, Headache, migraine, nitrates, Pain
Mindfulness, Meditation and Me
Barb Best, Health, HumorAATH, coffee, forgive, Forgiveness, Meditation, mindful awareness, mindfulness, zombie, zombie apocalypse
How To Skunk Writer's Block
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Humor12 step program, blogging, cats, Chocolate, Google, Muse, procrastination, Writer, Writer's block, writing, YouTube
7 Celebrity Products We'd Like To See
Humor, Pop Culture, TVBruce Jenner, Celebrities, Justin Bieber, Kanye West, Pop culture, Rosie O'Donnell, Teresa Giudice, TMZ, Twitter
Physically Fit? 7 Clues You're NOT in Good Shape
Barb Best, Health, Humorcaffeine, coffee, fitness, Health, healthy, physically fit, sleep, Twitter, Yoga
A Third Breast? 5 GOOD Reasons to Add One!
Health, Humor, Pop Culture, TV3 breasts, boobs, Breast, dating, Hooters, Mamma Mia, MTV, Reality television, Surgery
Prescription Drug Name or Disney Character?
Health, Humor, TVDisney, doctors, medicinal drugs, names, pharmaceutical drugs, Prescription drug, Tinker Bell, TV commercials