April Fools Sh*t Show: National Humor Month
Barb Best, Funny Videos, Health, Holidays, Humoramusement, April, April Fool's Day, April Fools, Disney, Disney rides, good news, John Krasinski, misery, National Humor Month, pandemic, SCN, YouTube
Washing Your Hands All Day? 7 Ways to Break the Boredom
Health, Humor, Parentingbored, boredom, disinfectants, flu, hand washing, virus, virus prevention, washing hands, YouTube
Flying Coach: 7 Sobering Realities of Air Travel
Barb Best, Humorairlines, Benadryl, contagions, emotional support animal, face masks, flying, flying coach, lemon, Pets, realities, surgical masks, travel, viral video
Funny Woman Celebrated: Judy Garland
Barb Best, Funny Videos, Humor, Movies, Parenting, Pop Culture, TV92nd Academy Awards, ABC, film, funny, Funny videos, Judy, Judy Garland, Lucille Ball, Movies, Oscars, Renee Zellweger, The Joker, witty
Millennials: 7 Signs You're Too Sick to Go to Work
Barb Best, Health, Humor, ParentingBoomers, colds, cronut, flu, Go To Meeting, GoToMeeting, illness, Jobs, Millennials, Netflix, norovirus, Nutella, work, work life balance
Worry Warts: What to Kvetch About in 2020
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Holidays, Humor, Pop CultureApple stock, Boomers, doorbell cams, faux foods, Kardashians, Marie Kondo, new iPhone, New Year, porch pirates, tattoos, trends, World War III, worries, Worry
Parents Offer Advice: 7 Naughty & Nice Tips
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Funny Videos, Health, HumorAdvice, eye stroke, Find the Funny, glitter, holidays, humor books, naughty, nice, parental advice, parents, robots, screen time, stress, The Misery Manifesto
Binge on Holiday Food: Death by Fruitcake
Barb Best, Funny Videos, Health, Holidays, Humorbinge, Christmas, Death, Dumb Ways to Die, eating, Eggnog, food, fruitcake, gingerbread men, holiday food, holidays, overeating, pecan pie, treats
Leftover Halloween Candy: Come On, Be Creative!
Barb Best, Health, Holidays, Humor, Movies, ParentingE-T- the movie, Halloween, leftover candy, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Skittles, Snickers, Starburst, stocking stuffers, sugar, vaping
Doom & Doomer: Therapy Music Videos
Work & Retirement: All You Really Need to Know
Cats, Health, Humor, Parenting, TVboss, cats, Employment, Humor, husband, job, Keurig, Learning, life lessons, Marriage, play, retirement, work, work life balance, workaholic
Overthinking Over & Over: It's Hard Labor
Books & Writing, Health, Holidays, Humorattitude, Bob Mankoff, Bruce Degen, cartoons, cookies, Humor, Jamberry, Labor, Laughter, macarons, macaroons, overthinking, positive thinking, thinking
Colonoscopy: Thoughts While Waiting for One
Barb Best, Health, Humorboomer humor, colonoscopy, health humor, healthcare, hospital humor, Humor, I Feel Your Pain, propofol, YouTube
Meetings: Thoughts While Dozing at an HOA Meeting
Barb Best, Humor, TVavocado toast, boredom, Cinnabon, cinnamon, HOA, Hoarders, meetings, Millennials, pet furniture, Pinterest, Pop-Tarts, Pug, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, TV
Neighbors to Love: 7 Posts from Next Door
Barb Best, Cats, Health, Humoranger management, cats, community, community chatline, kittens, love thy neighbor, neighbor, neighbors, Next Door
News to Amuse: Weird, Wonderful and Wild
Health, Humorair travel, emotional support animals, Humor, News, news to amuse, pigs, roller coaster, weird news, Women's Health
Shop 'til You Drop, Buy 'til You Cry
Health, Humor, Pop CultureAmazon Prime, buying, compulsive shopping, consumerism, Hammacher Schlemmer, minimalism, online shopping, retail therapy, shop, Shopping, spark joy, Tidying Up
Mother's Day: What NOT To Give Your Mother
Barb Best, Holidays, Humor, Movies, Parenting, Pop Cultureaging, Anxiety, Botox, child, gifts, giving, Mom, Mother, Mother's Day Gifts, motherhood, mothers and kids, Mothers Day
Fake Vacations: Is the Unposted Life Worth Living?
Barb Best, Books & Writing, Humor, Pop CultureFacebook, fake, fake news, fake vacations, Instagram, life, philosophy, Social Media, Socrates, travel, Twitter, vacations
Life Hacks for April National Humor Month
Barb Best, Health, Humor, Pop CultureApril Fool's Day, April Fools, hacks, Humor, life hacks, National Humor Month, tips, trends, up your game