Work & Retirement: All You Really Need to Know

Retirement for workaholics?

It happens!Sort of.Work Retirement Humor


When a Type-A workaholic retires from his or her long standing employment,


No matter the age,


New life skills must be learned... especially when one is married.


workaholics retirement work life



This is just the beginning of a new learning experience.You can call this process WORK, then maybe you'll be able to enjoy it.


All the workaholic really needs to know...

lessons work retirement      

... He learns in retirement :-)


  • All I need for breakfast is a Keurig coffee maker, a toaster and an appreciation for sugary baked goods.
  • There are effective ways to warm breakfast bread, but NEVER, EVER broil a croissant!
  • I have three kids, not two. Who knew?
  • My neighbors are eccentric (c-r-a-z-y) and yet sort of cool. I'd like to get to know them. What are their names again?
  • Geez, our dog is high maintenance as hell. He is more demanding than any of our two three kids.
  • I thought I retired from work, but I only retired from a job. How come there's still so much work to do everyday? Hmm... I may have to learn how to (gasp) play.

Workaholic retire wife cat       

  • We have a plus-sized cat. It seems he and my wife are way too close, dare I say intimate? I think I'm jealous.
  • When I do jobs around the house, I don’t get paid. WTF!  I am shocked at this injustice! How long has this been going on?
  • It’s not easy to relax. Meditation and yoga and exercise are labor.
  • I’m no longer the boss.
  • I’m no longer the boss? Thank God! Less responsibility. Less pressure. Less stress. Amen.


Learning... It never ends