Colonoscopy: Thoughts While Waiting for One
Barb Best, Health, Humorboomer humor, colonoscopy, health humor, healthcare, hospital humor, Humor, I Feel Your Pain, propofol, YouTube
Healthscare: Making a Money Mountain out of a Mole
Health, HumorAmazon, costs, Gretchen Rubin, healthcare, healthcare humor, healthscare, high deductible, Humor, Marilyn Monroe, money, obliger, The Misery Manifesto, Web MD
Is Your Pet a Party Pooper?
Barb Best, Cats, Health, Holidays, HumorCat, Cats in sunglasses, dog, Emergency Vet, Health, healthcare, love, Obamacare, Pet, Pets, ribbon, Vet, X-rays
Let's Kiss AATH!
Barb Best, Health, HumorAATH, Allen Klein, Bob Hope, clown car, Health, healthcare, Judy Carter, Pain