7 Health Questions You Need To Know the Answer to NOW


 1. It's not good to eat foods you can't pronounce. So avoid stuff like quinoa, shitakes, bok choy, and radicchio. 2. A banana makes a perfectly fine antacid.  Peel first. 3. Doctors suggest you sniff rosemary to boost your memory and sharpen your test-taking skills. However, ask Rosemary first. "No" means "No Way, Jose!" 4. Garlic is the new black. Wear it liberally to boost your immunity, especially against communicable diseases. 5. Get a daily massage. It may not improve your health, but it sure feels great. 6. For severe digestive upsets, soak naked in zucchini hummus 'til you reek of body odor for a week. Works every time. 7. Duct tape works nicely to eliminate bulbous pimples and unsightly warts. Apply on eyes. Also effective for ear dandruff and nose eczema. All are true. Would I lie? Creative Commons LicenseI Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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