Summertime Blues: Heat Stroke from Deep Summer Thoughts
Do you have the summertime blues?
Are you feelin' the heat - or worse yet - the humidity?Have you been out in the scorching summer sun too long?
Deep Summer thoughts while contemplating the sand between my toes
- Do we really need Canine Intelligence Tests? This doggie competition has gone too far - I saw a "My Border Collie is smarter than your Cocker Spaniel" bumper sticker on a tricycle. Can't we all agree? Dog breeds... they are ALL gifted.
- Summer Cool. How can one not project a whimsical image when lounging on a Flamingo pool float, sporting a polka dot bikini, and sipping a frozen daiquiri? You, tell, me.
- The Restroom Controversy. Most women I know don't want to share a bathroom with their husbands, let alone a burly male stranger in a sundress. Personally, I'm against any policy that makes the line to the women's room any longer than it is now.
- Garden hoses should not be designed with patterns that resemble snakes. This is not fun for anyone, not even the dog.
- What perv came up with "peeping drones?"
- Why is it called procrastination - and not concrastination? There doesn't seem to be anything positive about it.
- I refuse to believe that flossing is not beneficial. I Mental Floss everyday!
See you on Twitter! I'm @HaBarb