Stress Relief Tips for the Slightly Miserable
I feel your pain.Stress and anxiety are rampant.Millions of Americans are experiencing "voter stress."Many of our fellow citizens are plagued by horrifying "OMG! Summer is almost over!" panic attacks. At our local schools, grief counseling will be offered to all students and teachers in dealing with this tragedy.Cats everywhere are tormented by "whisker fatigue" and "feline acne" caused by eating fromĀ non-ergonomic feeding bowls.I ask you... is there no end to the agony and suffering?
7 Quick Stress-Relief TIPS
- Get yourself a "support monkey" - seriously, what could be more fun? A barrel of support monkeys?
- Make sure that you drink relaxing beverages - coconut water, wine, tequila, the grog of your choice.
- Wallow in hours of mindless YouTube videos of baby animals - kittens, puppies, piglets, raccoons - any species but human.
- Binge watch TV - orĀ if you're feeling like a maverick - binge read.
- Take a walk to a good restaurant, then sit.
- Exercise your right to lie on the couch, moan fretfully, and sigh fatalistically. You won't need no stinkin' meditation cushion.
- Help others. Share this post with friends and social media peeps.
No kidding. I hope you are enjoying your summer :-)