Summer: 7 Burning Questions To Ponder
Summer Madness!!!
7 Burning Questions To Ponder
Should I walk my cat on a leash?Here's the argument for "Hey, why not?" from the Huffington Post Which is more expensive... a trip to Paris or a new porcelain crown for that #3 molar you broke when you bit down on a granola nugget?Guess. Apparently porcelain does not grow on trees. Is tennis addictive?I'm guessing no, but watching tennis is habit-forming. Just ask my cat. Why is Marcus Lemonis of The Profit TV show on CNBC so sexy?Must be his expertise in building businesses, his integrity, his kind eyes - and those big checks he writes. Why shouldn't your kid take a live bat to school for show-and-tell? Ouch! That's why. Amazing! Rent a pineapple? Mental Floss makes the history of pineapples fascinating!The Super Luxe History of Pineapples (and Why They Used to Cost $8000) Summer = Music. Isn't this the coolest music APP you've ever seen?Virtual Piano!
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