Lizards Mating: 7 Questions To Ask Yourself
Leaping Lizards! Yuck!
There is a lighter side to lizards... just watch them mate sometime.
7 Questions To Ask Yourself While Watching Lizards Mate
- Isn't nature amazing?
- What - no foreplay?
- Must they do this in plain sight! on the tennis court! while I'm trying to focus and get some serious exercise FGS?
- On the cuteness scale, where does the baby lizard fall? Above the rhinoceros and below the common frog?
Fake News
- Is it fake news - or the gospel truth - that lizard penises are used as good luck charms?
- Is my cute little tabby going to kitty cat hell for biting the head off a lizard three years ago? Perhaps it was self-defense?
Lighten Up
- If I snap and post a tacky pic of amorous reptiles, is it crossing the thin line on the slippery slope of the dark side? Or does it make me a bonafide nature photographer a la National Geographic?
Geez. So many ethical questions in "journalism" today.It's, a, jungle, out, there.