Phone Emergency Alerts We Really Need
The Emergency Alert feature on your iPhone is great if you’re stranded in 15 feet of snow while skiing in Zermatt or crashing your Lamborghini into a tree at 185 mph.
Admittedly, these are exceptionally rare occasions.
But what about more mundane emergencies?
Your mother-in-law is five minutes away and targeting you for a surprise pop-in while you’re having a lengthy afternoon Whine & Wine party with your girlfriends?
The busybody neighbor in your HOA is inspecting your trash bins for improper garbage deposits and measuring your side hedges for overgrowth.
Your husband is into his 9th hour of football TV viewing.
At the grocery store, the freshly divorced manager is rounding the corner of the condiments aisle and eyes you with a hunger you haven’t seen since your honeymoon.
You forgot to go to work.
You have exceeded your daily calorie count. This alert comes with alarm thunder claps and flashing red lights.
Your grown-up daughter hasn’t called you in four days - but who’s counting.
The humidity is going up to triple digits - and you just spent a fortune having your hair styled.
You haven’t laughed once today.