Advice: What NOT to Do


‘cause LIFE is HEAVY!


Spring is coming.

It’s time for wilderness hikes in the woods and backpacking treks on rustic trails up the mountains.

It’s time to discover that love is in the air - but you have severe allergies.

It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee - and the roses.

woman giving advice

The pandemic is over again, and so you do not need to continue wearing your designer face mask - unless, of course, you are hiding a nasty rash. (Guess what? The rash is probably from the face mask.)

No matter how lonely you feel, don’t date a snake enthusiast. This is a red flag even if the snake doesn’t have red markings.

In your golden years especially, under no circumstance, take a composting course. You ain’t dead yet.

Don’t obsess over your drooping, aging eyelids and your concave cheeks. (Yes, Mother Nature can be a bitch, but don’t let her win.)

Don’t worry about the weather. It is what it is, and will rarely, if ever, meet your expectations.

Don’t walk your cute little dog near a pond where alligators are known to reside.

Don’t live in a state where alligators reside. Gators are skillful predators and you and your Shih Tzu are not.

Never aggravate a moose. This will help you avoid being trampled by a moose. This happens. They are nervous creatures.

NOTE: You are not likely to encounter a venomous snake, ravenous alligator or irritable moose in an independent bookstore, an art gallery, a cinema , an upscale nail salon or Bloomingdale’s.

Just sayin’

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Barb Best