Immunity: 7 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Right Now!
Boost Your Immunity
What to do when there's a health crisis of biblical proportions?Beef up your defenses. Build your resistance. Bolster your gut health.There's no better time than a global pandemic to boost your immunity!BTW it's also a dandy time to write your will and ditch your boring diet.
Do You Think I'm Sexy?
Predatory invaders - whether they be Covid-19, flesh-eating bacteria, or the good ole stand-by chicken pox - want your body.
Hacks from Quacks
You can UP your immunity by employing a strategy involving medicinal (barf) food, habits of hardship and dubious herbal supplements.
FUN Health Advice
- Practice safe socializing! Wrap yourself in layers of bubble wrap before interacting with any live humans. This prophylactic will protect you and them. God knows you have enough packing materials from the Amazon Prime buying binges you've been on.
- Nothing says social distancing like garlic and onions on your breath, in your hair, seeping out of the pores of your sallow skin. Load up on the bitter bulbs and people will keep their distance.
- Don't forget. A spoonful of sugar helps the foul smelling kimchi and fetid apple cider vinegar go down. And by "spoonful" I mean "cup."
- Warning. Expensive immunity-boosting supplements may leave a hole in your wallet and your Sigmoid Colon.
- Intermittent fasting will build your tolerance for suffering and deprivation. Germs respect that. So suck it up.
- Splurge on scads of Vitamin A, B, C and D. Now I know my ABC's...
- Walk around holding an umbrella 24-7. This will catch any viral droplets hanging over your head.
- Bonus! Tend to your mental health. If necessary, paint the interior of your home a soothing Aqua and pretend you live in a spa by the sea. Namaste.