Condolence Cards For Everyday Life
It’s SO important to express empathy for daily sorrows and heartbreaks
I am so sorry that… your houseguests are still at the casa holding you hostage. This too shall pass… perhaps it’s time to drop a hint - close the kitchen and fumigate your premises?
My sympathy for… your crappy weather. Unbearable heat and intolerable humidity - what a winning combo! And only two more months of summer weather that sucks more than a robotic vacuum on a rampage. Good luck - you’ll need it.
My heart (but not my wallet) goes out to you… as you navigate this treacherous path on your way to carb-free eating. Yes, green beans and curly kale are healthier than sticky cinnamon buns - but who knew you could have them delivered to your doorstep for $100 a day? Gotta love “organic!”
He is just away… sadness on the disappearance of your much depended upon handyman. He has left this world to join the masses who are taking some “me” time at home in front of the TV set.
Bereavement is a bitch, baby… but so is forgetting what you walked into the room for. What was it? Hmm. Gee. No idea!
May you have some comfort at this time of crisis and chaos… it is indeed a tragedy when your internet goes out. We understand.
Sorry you’re feeling under the abysmal weather… who knew you could achieve such a new low?
Friend, I am here to console you in your time of trouble… and offer you a sparkling beverage - or four or five. Toenail fungus is serious stuff.
May the love of your family, pets, and friends (and a damn good massage) heal your anguish… over having your European vacation canceled. Maybe a boring staycation with the dogs in your cramped apartment will have to do the trick?
Remember… people care!