Thinking Too Much: Are You An Over Thinker?

Do you overthink this and that, that and this? Under and over? Over and under?

Aha! We knew it!

Did you know?

THINKING too hard causes a build-up of toxic chemicals in your brain | Daily Mail Online

Crack is Whack, Think is Stink

Too much thinking is bad for your physical health and detrimental to your peace of mind.

Thinking is work. It’s like clearing household clutter or feeding the dog - there’s no end to it.

Thinking, for many, is hard labor. And overthinking can be downright debilitating.

No Worry

Consider this quote from cartoonist, editor, and author Bob Mankoff

“Humor is the antidote to overthinking. It's a way of saying that life is paradoxical.”


Instead of interminable thinking, try humor, laughter, and play.

According to Matt Davis, The Big Think, Why A Sense of Humor is an Essential Life Skill

A study from Northeastern University found that volunteers who watched a comedy were measurably better at solving a word association puzzle that relied on creative thinking as compared to control groups that watched horror films or quantum physics lectures. This is because laughter lights up the anterior cingulate cortex, an area of the brain associated with attention and decision-making. Another study measured people's performance on a brainstorming task and found that participants who were asked to come up with a New Yorker-style caption generated 20% more ideas than those who did not.


Remember - Let's not confuse our macarons with our macaroons. 

Interested in the benefits of humor? Check out AATH      The Association for Applied And Therapeutic Humor and The Humor Academy  

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Barb Best