• Ÿ  You love babies...  a) Of course! The more the merrier.  b) Anywhere, but sitting near me on an airplane  c) Only if they are four-legged  d) I prefer them in the womb  e) Sure, they make great props for campaign photo opps
  • Ÿ  Food stamps are...  a) A lifesaver for those in need  b) Handy for buying Life Saver candies and cigarettes  c) Rather tasty  d) Fattening  e) A bonanza for fraud
  • Ÿ  A full-time job is...  a) a colossal pain in the ass  b) Something I kind of miss  c) Fine if it doesn't interfere with my FaceBook time  d) What the government owes us  e) An essential part of The American Dream in this exceptional country!
  • Ÿ  My retirement fund is...  a)  A victim of chronic abuse  b) Missing In Action  c) What retirement fund?  d) Not enough for my cat to live on for a month  e) Tied to a Golden Parachute
  • Ÿ  An AK-47 is...  a) A legal firearm  b) A lubricant  c) A complicated tax form  d) Something obscene that should be banned from the planet!  e) Standard issue with drivers' licenses in Texas

  :) Aren't you glad the election is over in less than a week?Creative Commons LicenseI Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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