I Got Baggage: Why My Purse Weighs 50 Pounds


Why My Purse Weighs 50 Pounds

After all, isn't a purse just an enabler for mobile hoarders?

I suppose my purse/bag would be lighter if these items were not in it?

  • Multiple lipsticks, concealers,  mascara, a tiny make-up guy.
  • A Six-Pack of emergency water bottles - an absolute necessity for survival if stuck in traffic during a heatwave during a SIG alert during an earthquake during a heart attack during a hurricane during a nuclear attack during a tsunami during a...

  • A variety of fashionable iPhone accessories that cost more than the cell phone themselves... and do practically nothing.
  • 1,000 "Bed Bath and Beyond" coupons - more than an entire college dorm could use - for all four years.

 Why My Purse Weighs 50 Pounds 

  • A box of assorted size and shape Band Aids.  In case someone - anyone, a stranger, a frenemy, a bleeder, a homeless person - needs one. Altruism knows no bounds.
  • Emergency snacks. Don't want to get too hangry!


  • 5 pens, no paper. Who uses paper anymore?
  • Pepper spray - great for date night
  • Nutribullet personal blender - for nutritional crises
  • Tennis racquet - just in case, you never know
  • WTF? My new humor book - just out - and available on Amazon

 BarbBestHumorBlog See? You never know what's right under your nose - or armpit :-)