Fruitcake: Lovers and Haters
This Country Is Divided
between lovers and haters.
There are two realities, two worlds
two parallel universes based on bias and rigidity.
This is nothing new.
Let’s take the poor fruitcake. It has been attacked maliciously for decades if not centuries.
Me, I am a lover.
After all, fruit + cake - what’s not to love?
However, so many loathe it with a vengeance.
Approximately two million fruitcakes are sold in the U.S. every year.
How many are actually eaten? Maybe four or five.
And yet fruitcake is luscious and versatile. You can add pecans, raisins, bourbon, brandy, rum, pineapple, whatever your heart desires.
The fruitcake brick can serve as a tool in your weight lifting program.
Let’s not toss out all of our traditions.
Fruitcake is a classic and should not be replaced by some sexy new trend like Gingerbread Biscotti or Reindeer Peeps.
Can’t we come together and agree to disagree?
Love, peace, dessert!