New Year HA-Musings
How is 2013 going for you? (I sincerely hope you haven't slipped and cut your knee on a New Year's Day "fitness" hike, come down with the flu, succumbed to a stubborn vocal cord infection and laryngitis, had a collision with a parking garage pole, received a swollen lip from the car door, broken an expensive glass vase in a gift store, and agreed to go to the movie Zero Dark Thirty on your wedding anniversary.) If so (or worse!)... I feel your pain.Speaking of pain, here are some Robitussin-induced musings:"Read any good books lately?" has become "Written any good books lately?"Cauliflower is not a comfort food.I'm assuming quinoa is an acquired taste. Tip: Uncooked quinoa makes an excellent packing material for shipping small electronic items.What is it with women over 50 and cats? Is it hormonal? What would Freud make of it? Hmm. "Sometimes a pussy cat is just a pussy cat."
Amazing how potent bad TV and good chocolate is.
Heaven is the ultimate positive reinforcement tool. Talk about delayed gratification.Did you know Betty Boop is selling mascara?Why does an animated character need make-up anyway?What next? Miss Piggy for Spanx?
Is a pun fun or is it a punishment?
I Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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