Neighbors? Anything but Bores on Nextdoor
Neighbors? Anything but Bores on Nextdoor
NEIGHBOR is defined asOne who lives near or next to anotherA fellow humanA fellow human! This covers every imaginable sort of person of interest under the sun.Every stripe and strain from "Miss Congeniality" to "FBI's Most Wanted"Saints, sinners, helpers,Freaks, fools and tools,Lovers and haters.AND they are all on the online Nextdoor platform - the popular social networking service for neighborhoods.Nextdoor seems to have an attraction for the "Karens" and the trolls.
Love Thy Neighbor
What happened to the sweet souls who bake chocolate chip cookies and drop them off at your front door to welcome you to the 'hood?Online we have the cranks who grapple, clash, and lock horns at the drop of a cup of sugar.The obsessives with numerous photos of their landscaping and house upgrades, and holiday decorations. Halloween anybody? Are you ready?Petty arguments abound. Name calling is common -- "A*s*o*l*e" being the favorite endearment :-)Lewd photos and snarky comments are posted in response to your heartfelt posts about your beloved cat. Hopefully, the body count on Nextdoor doesn't escalate to the height of the
Hatfield and McCoy Feud on The History Channel
There's even a hilarious Twitter stream that documents some of the more noteworthy (insane) posts.
Maybe it can be more like "You've Got a Friend In Me" It's always a good time to buy books on Amazon !!!