My Summer Bummers
Fun in the sun isn't always fun. A day at the beach can be more misery than merriment. And now they tell us sunscreen gives us cancer? Ain't that sweet :)My 15 summer bummers... What are yours?1. Swimsuit wardrobe malfunction when faking bravado on the Boogie Board2. Sunburn on private parts3. Younger, slimmer, and obviously richer women donning floss bikinis, spray tans, and serious diamond earrings4. Being buried in bacteria filthy, crab infested, scalding sand for the amusement and photo opp pleasure of loved ones5. People who use "summer" as a verb, but not "budget" as a verb6. A plethora of hideous tattoos scribbled on every hairy limb like graffiti on a sunset7. Blowing up that darn beach ball, feeling dizzy, maybe it's a stroke8. That skanky fish smell that blows off the stagnant bay9. Jellyfish who stalk just you10. Kids who whine "I'm bored" because you're not entertaining them 24-711. Dutifully applying and reapplying sunscreen only to find out it causes skin cancer - classic example of "Damn if you do, damn if you don't!"12. Joggers impervious to triple digit temperatures13. Gnats in my mojito14. Listening to perfectly nice folks mispronounce "mojito"15. Shark attacks, guaranteed to spoil the mood!Sharing is caring. WHAT ARE YOUR SUMMER BUMMERS?
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I Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.