Got Milk?


True or False?

"Men won't buy the cow if the milk is free."

Duh! True -  if he's lactose intolerant.

With "A Little Valentine's Day Straight Talk: Young women in college need to smarten up and start husband-hunting"

Susan Patton has raised important issues regarding young women, men, marriage, and happiness.Nina Bahadur makes good points in her response in The Huffington PostInteresting opinion from a man "Susan Patton Told The Truth" by James TarantoAlexandra Petri has a hilarious take in The Washington PostBefore we become sucked up by and scarred from the intellectual "Mommy Advice Wars" cat fight -How about changing the question... "Will women buy the cow if the milk is free?"

Ellen DeGeneres may have a few thoughts on that?

OR simply "Will people buy the cow (or the bull) if the milk is free?"HA-MUSINGSSometimes it's just cheaper to rent. The maintenance is too high.Most 20-Somethings won't pay for their music, let alone their milk... if they can get it for free.With adolescence now lasting 'til age thirty-nine, most 20-Somethings can't conceive (PUN alert) of having to deal with fertility or family financial crises. Mortality isn't on the radar either.Bottom line: There are a multitude of variable factors in every woman's (and man's) individual situation. Any specific advice needs to be taken with a bucket of calming Epsom salt.In love and marriage... it's complicated.What do you think? Creative Commons LicenseI Feel Your Pain by Barb Best is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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