Words With Moms
One of the BEST things I learned from my mother…
best |best| superlative of good adjective of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality • most enjoyable: some of the best times of my life. • most appropriate, advantageous, or well advised
“If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in the dictionary,” she insisted.Once an English Major, always an English Major. As the Mental Floss T-shirt joke goes, "I'm an English Major. You do the math."My mother kept a thick, worn hardcover copy of her college edition Webster’s Dictionary on a little shelf in the corner of the kitchen.Whenever anyone asked what a word meant, she did not hesitate to pluck the heavy dictionary off the shelf, thrust it into their hands, and instruct, “Look it up!”This was not as fast as “Google It,” but equally effective. Intellectual curiosity is a terrible thing to waste.
terrible |ˈterəbəl| adjective extremely or distressingly bad or serious
However lazy I was initially to flip through the ancient, tissue thin pages of the dictionary or struggle to spell the word correctly so I could find it, I grew to appreciate the game and value the enrichment to my vocabulary.It is astounding how a simple maternal nudge can help cultivate a passion for language and writing.
astounding |əˈstoundiNG| adjective surprisingly impressive or notable
Thanks, Mom!
Me & my baby... on Pinterest.