Aging? You're So Old You Probably Think This Joke Is About You
Aging?You don't feel old, but do you act old? You're as old as you act.
If the Joke Fits - Laugh!
- Do you really need a park bench to sit on when taking a shower?
- Geez! Why a stockpile of savory snacks and caffeinated drinks in your comfy sedan for an hour-long shopping excursion?
- What? You've got a stash of toilet paper and kleenex plus a pharmacy in your car?
- Seriously? You will only drive during odd numbered daylight hours?
Jolly Old Soul
- Who knew a simple toy would change your life? You are sexually excited when using your shiny new plastic pill cutter which you bought on Amazon for $3.98.
- You don’t walk to the bathroom at night without first cracking a glow stick.
- You count laughing as exercise.
- Your joints hurt when you sit, stand, bend, stretch, inhale.
New Habits
- You eat dinner so early - you have to set your alarm clock.
- You don't have a dinner bell - you have a dinner siren.
- You creak, crack and pop when you chew.
- Your memory has slacked off on the job. Sometimes this is a blessing.
- You yawn all afternoon.
- You take naps with your grandbabies.
- You have grandbabies!
- Old Man River looks young to you.