Who Knew Barbie Could be Funny?

The Woman Who Has Everything

Barbie the Doll turned 64 in March, but she’s not resting on the shelf.

There’s a blockbuster movie with a killer soundtrack in her future.

Welcome to the Summer of Barbie.

The plastic body and the superficial beauty have served Barbie well.

So what if she isn’t real?

Amazingly, Barbie has had over 250 careers over the years, most of which you may have missed. She’s been a teenage fashion model (duh), astronaut, Air Force Pilot, paleontologist, firefighter, eye doctor, marine biologist, arctic rescuer.

Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of Robotics Engineer Barbie!

Like her figure, let’s assume her retirement fund is also in great shape.

I confess to being envious of that ridiculous body, the Malibu beach house, chic wardrobe, accessories, the status of being a global phenomenon - and now - the FUNNY movie.

Love her or hate her, she has cultural cachet, street cred.

And now she’s FUNNY!

Eat your hearts out, Kardashians.

Cultural History Barbie ~ Smithsonian Magazine

10 of the Most Valuable Barbie Accessories ~ Mental Floss

Andy Warhol Barbie

“Barbie Syndrome”

Real women (and men) undertake drastic cosmetic surgeries in order to resemble Barbie… a plastic doll.


Barb Best